2009 News Archive                                                                                                                                                                                    Return to Archive

PCC - 20th Anniversary 2010 - "My city . . . God's city"
Who would have thought all this could happen? That was the question that I asked myself as I thought back over the past 20 years. Who would have thought this? God did! It was all in His plan and purpose for us and for Phuket. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. As I look back over all that God has done I am overwhelmed by His goodness and faithfulness, and filled with thanksgiving and praise. He is, indeed, good and deserves all the glory. He has promised in His Word that He will build His Church, and as we've seen over the past 20 years He's been faithful to His promise, and will continue to keep His Word. I never cease to be amazed that He calls His people to partner with Him in His work! That He chooses to do so, makes me so aware of His greatness and His amazing love for His people. Twenty years ago, when Brian and I drove across the bridge from the Thai mainland onto the island of Phuket, we didn't know our way around, we didn't know anybody, and we didn't have anywhere to live. However, what we did know was that God had definitely called us here, and because He had a plan and purpose for us and for this island He would make a way! God chose to include us in His plan, and now we had a choice whether to obey Him or not. Praise God - He helped us to obey Him. Over the years there were many times when I had to go back to the day I made that choice, and stand upon God's calling and promise that He would be with me to strengthen me and uphold me.Sitting in the car as we drove into Phuket, I looked around and wondered where on earth I'd come to! I couldn't see anything that was familiar, nothing that I had got used to from the previous year spent in Bangkok, and certainly nothing that was familiarly English! Where were the shops? How would I get my groceries? In those days even 7/11 had not yet arrived! Where were the people? Who would come to church? How was it all going to work out? So many questions, and not many answers! I remember Brian saying to me that first day in the car, "Don't worry, Margaret, it will get better"!!! Praise God for a godly husband who, although faced with the immediate, could look at the future and see the possibilities in God. He was right, and it has got better in many ways! Although we didn't know about transformation back then, we started to look at Phuket differently. Seeing it through God's eyes, we began to get excited thinking about the future of this island that was becoming our home. Every time we went out we began to declare out loud to each other, in faith, as we passed places that one day we would know the people who worked there, one day we would know the people who lived there, one day we would have Christian brothers and sisters all over this island, one day things would change for the better as God built His Church. The more we declared this, the more I was encouraged to believe that it would happen! To start with, however, it seemed like nothing was happening. We went through difficult, testing times. Lonely times. Obstacles arose that threatened to discourage us, and over the years there were many such occasions when we were brought to our knees in tears to call upon God for His strength and guidance for the way ahead. Praise God, even in the most desperate of times, He assured us of His presence and reminded us of His promise, and we saw how God brought about good in situations that the enemy had intended for evil. I firmly believe that we, personally and as a church, are stronger today because of those times.In the early years the Sunday morning offering would average 34 Baht each week. One Sunday when it came to just over 100 Baht, wow, how we celebrated! One Sunday a family came to church. They had one child. Again, how we rejoiced, because we could have Sunday School! Many times over the years we've had Sunday School with one child. The same thing happened in the youth and cell groups. We would continue, even if only one came, because they were worth it. There were many Sunday services when we would praise God and encourage ourselves with that verse "'where 2 or 3 are gathered together" because that's all there was - 2 or 3 of us!!! Praise God, for the wonderful assurance of His presence also on those occasions! Now, it is with thankful hearts that we see God's faithfulness, and His power at work in our growing children's work, our youth work and our cell groups ... and in the many other groups that meet all over this island and on the mainland in PangNga. As God's Holy Spirit moves in hearts and lives, we are seeing people coming to Him, not in ones and twos, but in some cases whole villages are turning to God. Praise God for what He's doing amongst the Thai people, the Urak Rawoi, the Morgens, the Burmese, the Filipinos, the other English speaking groups, all part of God's Church that He's building so gloriously - His church - our church! Praise God for the many blessings, for the exciting times, for the incredible answers to prayer, and the miracles that have happened and continue to happen. I praise Him for the excitement that we now feel amongst us. We don't just want miracles, but we want extra-ordinary miracles!!! Praise God for the best miracle of all, a life redeemed by Jesus, available to all who call upon Him. Now, twenty years later, as we drive around there are so many places, houses, hotels, businesses where we know people, have friends and contacts, where the testimony of the Church is being upheld. We're confident that as the spiritual climate continues to change, this island will continue to be used for His glory to affect this nation, and the nations of the world. Jesus, by His death on the cross, redeemed Phuket, and He calls us to be His faithful partners and reclaim it for Him. Praise God for His family here, and for those people, places and situations that we're praying His peace and blessing over. As God's people continue to meet together everywhere, every day and be church in their homes and in the market place we are confident that He is establishing His Kingdom and building His Church.As God's faithful partners, we need each other and all have a part to play in His Kingdom. I love God with a passion, and I love His Church, and I am so privileged to be part of it. I'm looking forward to us all being amazed as we see what God is going to do amongst us in the future.Who would have thought all this could happen? God did!