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3rd Phuket Transform Our World Conference Report

In our 3rd year we have seen the TOW Conference grow. 180 delegates registered for the conference with many more joining us in the evening. Despite a few setbacks, including having to find a last-minute translator when Pastor Nok was taken ill with appendicitis, the conference was a great success.Our guest speakers were Ed & Ruth Silvoso, the President of Harvest Evangelism, along with associates King Flores and Barbara Chan. What a blessing they were and their challenging teaching was interspersed with amazing testimonies from local and international delegates who are running with Transformation.The international delegates were a real blessing. A good number of people joined us from Hong Kong and Malaysia. Pastor Gloria's testimony of market place miracles in Hong Kong on the last night was one of the highlights of the conference.29 Japanese delegates led by our good friend Pastor Tom Kisaki were in attendance and were challenged to attend the TOW World Conference in Hawaii later this year. On their return to Japan they went straight from the airport to the high place over Hachioji and prayed God's peace over their city, then they went to every business and school to pray there, before finally going home. One young man challenged the Senior Pastor to go to Hawaii, as he couldn't come to Phuket. He even offered to pay his ticket... he was so challenged that he accepted! Another 4 will go with him. We plan to visit them next year and hope to expand the meetings to include other churches in their city.Jill Robson, PCC's missionary to the UK, also attended and gave a great testimony on the groundwork that she is doing there to help Harvest Evangelism hold a TOW conference there next year.