2009 News Archive                                                                                                                                                                                    Return to Archive

Pluk Panyar School
In February and March the door opened for Pastor Nok to teach English to a class of 50 students, Primary 6, to prepare them for entrance into Secondary School. This came as a result of an initial contact made between Pastor Margaret and Krue Por, with whom we have worked with in the past, which led to the English camp in December 2009 (CLICK HERE to read about the camp). This was a great opportunity for PCC to have an impact into education.
Pastor Nok was able to speak peace and blessing into the school which we believe has laid a foundation for future contact with the school, and witness to some girls about how she became a Christian.
Please pray for this school and for our future involvement that doors of opportunity will be opened to bring greater influence and blessing.
Last class with the students, and head of the English department.