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PCC 24th Anniversary

On Sunday 3rd August conference delegates joined PCC members to celebrate the 24th Anniversary of our church. The building was packed, and the worship led by Pastor Nok was amazing as she and the team led us into the presence of God. We had testimonies from our pastors and members who gave God thanks for our PCC family and for the past 24 years. Throughout the service we gave thanks to God for His goodness and faithfulness. Our speakers were Judge Barbara and Pastor King. Pastor Brian encouraged us to look for greater things in the coming years.  We ended with a cake which the pastors cut, and was then served to the congregation.

It was an amazing weekend.  Please continue to read some of the comments from those who attended these events.


“Wow!!!! For the glory of God, God is working in us!” - Maria


I am so blessed to be a part of PCC church and family. The teachings that help me to be  transformed and to be used as a channel of blessing to others esp. to my family and friends. This time i appreciate more of His love,His healing, the power of prayers and how to walk with authority. Thank you God for PCC church!


"The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need." Psalm 23:1 - May Ann Cambonga


My heartfelt thanks to both of you my beloved and respected spiritual parents Pastor Brian and Pastor Margaret. Thank you for guiding me and drawing me close to God by knowing more about Jesus Christ. I really felt so blessed and feel at home. Peace and blessing. - Analisa


Thank you P.Brian and P.Margaret for your time, efforts in the conference. Thank you for leading us, giving us direction, modeling for us, and equipping us as leaders for prototype of transformation in Phuket.  Thanks for encouraging us to use our heart of servanthood to bless Thailand, through the messages of Pastor Brian, and  as we dothat we are blessing Philippines out of faithfulness and obedience to God to serve him wherever we are.

I thank God for leading me to PastorGlenn and Julie, through whose example we were encouraged to imitate as you imitate Christ. My thanksgiving to God through PCC is that you’ve adopted us into your family. God is good! if not because of this adoption we will not be part of transformation movement, modeling a transformation lifestyle, ordinary people doing extraordinary things for God's kingdom.  Not only now that we look up to leaders and spiritual parents, but we ourselves are walking in authority to lead others carrying the vision God gave PCC our family, and that is very special.

Blessings!  Neal Ornido – Lighthouse Transformation Group Leader


I Thank God for 24 years of blessing Phuket Christian Centre., I Thank God for Pastors Brian and Margaret, and Pastor Nok for their obedience to God.  I Thank the Lord for leading us and showing us His faithfulness and love towards us as a church.  I pray for the year ahead that our leaders and members of congregation will continue to live harmoniously, that we remain steadfast in the truth and continue be a part of transforming our beautiful city of Phuket and the nation of Thailand.

Happy 24thYear Anniversary Phuket Christian Centre Family

God bless. - Julie Ferrer 


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  1. Make a Personal Commitment to Transformation
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  5. Develop an Effective Prayer Strategy
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  8. Expect the Extraordinary and Testify About It!
  9. Extend the Vision of Your Church to the Church of the City
  10. Now Go for Your Nation and for the Nations!

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