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Pastor Brian in Kota Kinabalu and Sibu – March

In March Pastor Brian went on a 10 day trip to East Malaysia where he spoke for 3 days in Kota Kinabalu, before moving on to Sibu for 7 days. It was an intense schedule including preaching in the Bible school in the mornings, praying at different locations in the afternoons, preaching in the church in the evenings, together with meeting various business people in the city.

On the final Saturday there was no Bible school so Pastor Brian was taken to an Iban long-house where he had the opportunity to meet the Chief. This was a great experience as Pastor Brian used to teach about the Iban in his days as a school teacher in England.

During the trip he experienced 2 flight cancelations and 1 delayed flight, and when he started the return journey the wheel fell off the plane! Finally he arrived home safe and sound!

Pastor Brian with the Bible school students in Sibu
Pastor Brian visiting the Iban Long House

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  1. Make a Personal Commitment to Transformation
  2. Develop a Transformation Lifestyle
  3. Impart to Your Core Leaders
  4. Pastors: Implement Change in the Local Church
    Marketplace Minister: Implement Change in the Marketplace
  5. Develop an Effective Prayer Strategy
  6. Implement Transformation in the Market Place
  7. Raise a Canopy of Prayer by Mobilizing People to Adopt Streets
  8. Expect the Extraordinary and Testify About It!
  9. Extend the Vision of Your Church to the Church of the City
  10. Now Go for Your Nation and for the Nations!

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with: Pastor Margaret Burton