2009 News Archive                                                                                                                                                                                    Return to Archive

TOW Conference

Our 7th Annual Transform Our World Conference, 1st – 3rd August, was held this year at the beautiful Kata Beach Resort and Spa. Our guest speakers were Pastor King Flores from the Philippines, Judge Barbara Chan from Hong Kong, together with Pastors Brian and Margaret Burton from Phuket Christian Centre. We had delegates from the Philippines and Hong Kong as well as from Phuket, Thailand.

Right from the very first meeting it was obvious that this was going to be a great conference, blessed of God as His hand was very definitely upon it. On the Friday evening after Pastor Brian welcomed all the delegates, Judge Barbara Chan prayed a very powerful blessing over the conference and welcomed Jesus into our midst.

There was a tangible sense of His presence amongst us as we continued to praise and worship Him. Pastor King Flores and Pastor Margaret taught on the Five Pivotal Paradigms for Nation Transformation and Prayer Evangelism. The evening ended with a very powerful message from Pastor Brian entitled “Jump in the River and Get Wet!” This challenged us to move from being spectators to being participators, to be where God is moving.

Saturday was a packed day starting with prayer and intercession first thing in the morning, followed by Pastor Brian’s teaching on Developing a Transformation Lifestyle. Pastor King and Judge Barbara taught on Identifying and Pulling Down Strongholds. In the afternoon we had a powerful time of personal ministry where strongholds were broken and people were set free from things that had been holding them back from freedom in God. The conference ended with a challenge from Pastor Brian on ‘Where do we go from here? Remain in the river, in that place where God wants you to be!


Easter Sunday Sunrise Watch & Prayer


Destiny 2nd Anniversary



Sunflower Club 1st Anniversary - 23rd February 2014


iBless Philippines

Please contact us for more details


PCC Annual Church Leadership Team Retreat – June

You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows – Psalm 23:5

In June, 15th – 17th,  PCC leaders and some members went to the Nai Yang Beach Resort for a few days retreat.

Starting on the Friday evening the theme of the weekend was Psalm 23. Revelation came from the awesome teaching by Pastor Brian (inspired by something Ed Silvoso had shared with him over breakfast in Mexico), culminating in an impartation for a new anointing during the final session on the Saturday evening.  Opportunities were also given to Pastor Margaret to share, together with Pastor Nok and Angelika Langner. 

Throughout the weekend there were also times of fun and fellowship, good talks around the meal tables and lots of splashing and laughter in the pool.

Sunday morning after breakfast everyone headed back into town to PCC for the morning service refreshed and renewed and ready to share how they had been blessed.


Church Camp in Malaysia with Pastor David Wong in June



Right:  Pastor Margaret teaching on Prayer Evangelism








Below:  At the ladies dinner


Petaling Jaya, Malaysia and Hong Kong T.O.W. Conferences - May
Dr. Ed Silvoso and Ruth Silvoso, Pastor King Flores and Olive Flores,  Pastors Brian and Margaret were together again to minister in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia for a regional transformation conference hosted by S. C. Khoo. Despite being held midweek, many pastors and market place leaders attended. The event was a great success.

Immediately following this, everyone flew to Hong Kong for the 1st Transform Our World conference hosted by Barbara Chan and the Transform Hong Kong Team. Also on the faculty were Pastors Francis and Caroline Oda and Pastors Cal and Joy Chinen (all from Honolulu).

The meetings were exceptionally well attended and the icing on the cake was the great participation made by the Hong Kong team with testimonies of transformation.

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Hong Kong


Ministry trip to USA and Mexico - May

At the beginning of May Pastors Brian and Margaret started their ministry trip in the US in the state of Arizona at the invitation of Tim and Kari Thompson, Pastors of the Fountain of Life Church in Phoenix.  They had opportunities to speak in their church on the Sunday and also at various leaders and women’s meetings during the week.  

From there they flew to Ciuadad Juarez at the invitation of their good friend Poncho Muirguia, Senior Pastor of Cruz de Gracia.  This was their second visit to the city, and they went to take part in the 1st Transform Our World conference.  The speakers included Dr Ed Silvoso, Founder and President of Harvest Evangelism, Joyce Kawakami, Founder of Feed My Sheep, Maui, Lloyd Turner from Newark, Founder of Adopt a Street, as well as Pastor Brian.

Pastor Brian, Mayor of Gilbert, Tim Thompson

People from many churches in the city met together at the sports arena for the conference during which was blessed with a visit by the Mayor of Juarez who welcomed Jesus into the city.  There was also a visit to the newly built Children’s Museum – an amazing building, the fulfillment of Pastor Poncho’s vision to give hope to the children of Juarez. 

Each Sunday there were opportunities to minister in various churches in the city, as well as visiting with pastors and leaders, and praying for the sick.

Pastor Brian, Mayor of Juarez, Dr. Ed Silvoso, Pastor Poncho Murguia, Joyce Kawakami (from left to right)

Pastor Brian preaching in Juarez


They did manage to get some time off to enjoy a wonderful 3 day train journey with Pastor Poncho and his wife, Gelus, to see the spectacular views of the Copper Canyon, and witness the grandeur of God’s creation.

From there Pastors Brian and Margaret flew to LA to visit Chuck and Sally Cook, market place ministers in Dreamworks and Universal Studios.


DESTINY – Transformation Women’s Empowerment Meeting – March

On Saturday 24th March the first Women’s Empowerment Meeting was held at PCC, with 14 ladies from 4 different nations gathering together.  The morning began with an informal time of fellowship over breakfast, getting to know one another better, followed by a fun ice-breaker lead by Chynkee Ornido, one of DESTINY’S core group leaders. Pastor Margaret taught on lessons from the life of Ruth, and discussion groups were then formed to further look at the life of this Old Testament woman and recognize the importance of making the right choices.   The session closed with a time of prayer, during which everyone was blessed with a greater understanding of what it meant to embrace their true identity in God as His daughters, and be empowered to bring transformation to their spheres of influence. The morning was a great success, with everyone looking forward to the next meeting.


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