2009 News Archive                                                                                                                                                                                    Return to Archive

Wedding celebrations!

In September Pastors Brian and Margaret travelled to Germany for the wedding of our Church Elder, Heidi, to Patrick. Pastor Brian preached at the ancient church in Weissenburgh.   

Phuket Christian Centre - 21st Anniversary

On Sunday 21st August PCC members gathered together to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the church. An excellent programme had been put together, co-ordinated by Pastor Nok and other leaders. For the very first time in the history of the church, Pastors Brian and Margaret were told that all they had to do was turn up at 10.30am!!!We were treated to special items from the various age and language groups that make up our international church: The men did a drama, the ladies performed a dance and the children sang a special song. In addition to this the Thai Cell Group performed a drama depicting the events of the arrival of Pastors Brian and Margaret in Thailand, the start of the church in Phuket and the early days. Together with these items there were testimonies from various members, starting with Pastor Nok who has now been ministering at PCC for 19 years and others representing our churches and congregations at Prathong Island, Baan Kate Asajaan, Pastor Glenn Ferrer representing the Filipinos, and Pastor Zaw representing the Burmese. Pastor Peter Jenkins, from Renewal Christian Centre, UK, sent special greetings and a key momento was given to each guest to signify that we have now come of age and have been given the keys to the Kingdom of God.At the end of the celebrations a huge cake was brought out, which was cut by all the pastors, after which a meal, cooked by various members of the church, was served while we enjoyed a time of fellowship together.Amidst all the tears and laughter as memories came flooding back, there was much praise and thanksgiving to God for His goodness and faithfulness over the past 21 years, and a sense of anticipation of what lies ahead, and we believe that the best is yet to come!!!


1st Transform Our World Conference - Watford, England
In July Pastors Brian and Margaret travelled to England for the 1st TOW Conference UK. The conference was hosted by Pastor Tim Roberts in the excellent facilities of The Wellspring Church Centre, Watford, their newly furbished conference and training venue. Around 32 pulpit and marketplace ministers from throughout the UK, Germany, Albania and Ghana attended the 3 day event. The faculty consisted of Dr Ed and Ruth Silvoso together with Mr Rick Heeren from the USA, and Pastors Brian and Margaret from PCC Thailand. It was encouraging to see an enthusiasm and a new determination in the delegates to seek to bring transformation to their spheres of influence as they embraced the teaching.   

4th Annual Transform Our World Conference Phuket

In June, PCC together with other transformation churches in Phuket, hosted the 4th Annual TOW Conference. Delegates from all over Thailand joined a faculty comprising of Poncho Murguia, Pastor of Cruz de Gracia, Juarez, Mexico, together with Barbara Chan, the Harvest Evangelism Director for Hong Kong and King Flores, Harvest Evangelism Director of the Philippines, and Pastor Brian of PCC. This year the local government led by Mayor Paiboon Upatising sponsored the conference. Following this event, 11 pastors agreed to meet together every Saturday morning for prayer and fellowship. Since then there have been a number of united prayer events where we have covered the whole island with blessing.


Transform Our World Conference in Sibu Malaysia (May/June)
Pastor Hii (Senior Pastor Sibu Hosanna Church), Pastor Nok Moody (Phuket Christian Centre),
Dr Ed Silvoso (Harvest Evangelism), and Pastor Wanlapa (Phuket Christian Centre)


New General Hospital Dedicated To The Lord
The new General Hospital was opened on 31st May. Pastors Brian and Margaret were there at the invitation of Mayor Paiboon Upatising. Members of PCC and pastors from Phuket churches were also represented. As our Mayor cut the ribbon to officially open the hospital, Pastor Brian prayed a prayer of peace and blessing over the new premises.   

Ministry in the UK by Dr Ed Silvoso and Pastor Brian Burton (March/April 2010)
From 24th March to 10th April, Pastor Brian was in the UK. Part of this time, 25th to 30th, Dr Ed Silvoso, founder and president of Harvest Evangelism was with him and together they ministered in various cities, holding marketplace seminars and speaking in churches. The following is a report of Brian's visit.

Left: The Deputy Mayor of Hastings with Pastor Brian


Phuket Christian Centre Retreat, 13th - 15th April, 2011 - by Margaret J Burton
The Mandawee Resort and Spa, Krabi was the setting for our Church Retreat this year, and a bright sunny morning on 13th April found many PCC members at our meeting point at Sussex House ready to travel in convoy to Krabi, on the Thai mainland. The theme of the retreat was "Family", and right from the start it was evident that there was a sense of excitement and anticipation of what the next few days held in store for us. We enjoyed times of fellowship, fun, good food, and relaxation together, and were refreshed as we felt God's presence with us. During the ministry times we heard Him speaking to us, challenging us, comforting us, encouraging us and as we renewed our commitment to Him, and to each other, we came away blessed in mind, body and spirit. To find out more about what happened, please read the following testimonies...   read more...

February 2011 - Hong Kong
In February Pastors Brian and Margaret were in Hong Kong for 10 days intensive ministry, once again at the invitation of Barbara Chan, Harvest Evangelism, Director for Hong Kong, ministering together with King Flores, Harvest Evangelism, Director for the Philippines.We began our ministry on the Saturday with the Transform Our World Seminar at the International Christian Assembly, and Brian spoke there again at 2 services on the Sunday. During the week we met with pulpit and marketplace ministers at various venues around Hong Kong, including lunch and dinner appointments. It was encouraging to see that the seeds that had been sown on previous visits were coming to fruition, and a deeper understanding of transformation was taking root in the hearts and lives of those we ministered to.It was a joy, once again, to renew fellowship with Pastor Wong and her leadership team in Tin Shui Wai, no longer the 'city of misery' but 'the city of Joy'. We heard incredible testimonies to the goodness of God as a result of their prayers of peace and blessing over their city. The following Sunday found us ministering with her husband, Pastor Cheung, and his leadership team in Shatin. We even got to join in with his birthday celebrations, when the leadership team brought in a surprise cake for him during the afternoon break!It was a privilege to share in the lives of all those we met during our visit, and encouraging to be part of Transformation Hong Kong!   

Pastors Brian and Margaret report on their trip to LA, San Jose, Juarez - January 2011

In January we were in California for 2 weeks. A six hour stop over in Korea on the way, where we saw snow that told us we were headed for a much cooler climate! Despite the weather, however, we praised God for the warm hearts that welcomed us everywhere we went. God had promised us His blessings on the trip, and He was indeed faithful to His promises every step of the way.


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