On Monday 26th December pastors and members of PCC joined Mayor Paiboon Upatising at Patong Beach for the 7th Tsunami Memorial together with the Governor of Phuket and the Consular General of The Netherlands. As the crowds gathered to remember and mourn the loss of loved ones at this "Light Up Phuket" remembrance service, Pastor Brian led us in observing a one minute silence for those who had lost their lives in the disaster. After reading from Isaiah 61:1 – 3, he led us in a prayer to comfort those who mourned and then proclaimed a blessing upon the island of Phuket, residents and visitors alike. Phuket, you are beautiful. You are the Pearl of the Andaman Sea. You are destined to be a Light to this Nation. Phuket, may you receive the blessing of God upon you. A better future is in store for you as we light up Phuket, and take every opportunity to bring hope to this island. Once again, it was a very solemn and moving time as the service concluded with everyone joining together to light candles and place them together with bouquets of flowers at strategic points along the beach.