Thai   English

Pastor Brian and the Takua Pa Chief of Police


Celebrating Christmas at Baan Khet Asajaan


Telling the Christmas story at Bangneaw School


Ladies from the Urak Rawoi take part in our Christmas Service at PCC


Christmas afternoon outreach on Tinnawut Estate


PCC Christingle Service was held in 4 languages - Thai, Burmese, Tagalog and English


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Transform Our World
Outreach Map
Our Church Services
Destiny    Kids4Christ
Transform Our World 10 Steps in the Transformation Journey
  1. Make a Personal Commitment to Transformation
  2. Develop a Transformation Lifestyle
  3. Impart to Your Core Leaders
  4. Pastors: Implement Change in the Local Church
    Marketplace Minister: Implement Change in the Marketplace
  5. Develop an Effective Prayer Strategy
  6. Implement Transformation in the Market Place
  7. Raise a Canopy of Prayer by Mobilizing People to Adopt Streets
  8. Expect the Extraordinary and Testify About It!
  9. Extend the Vision of Your Church to the Church of the City
  10. Now Go for Your Nation and for the Nations!

To read more click here 

Learn more about:
Prayer Evangelism
with: Pastor Margaret Burton